Parents Pressure for Percentage 01

Parents alert : Hello Reena, I greeted with festive mood and colors in my hands, of course I was happy for the colorful occasion Holi but she didn’t sound very normal and stress could be seen over her face. As I sat across from Reena and Mr. Srivastava, their anxiety hung palpably in the air, woven into every word and gesture. Their concern wasn’t about holiday festivities, it cantered around the impending board exam results of their two sons. The weight of expectations bore down heavily on them, overshadowing any enthusiasm for the upcoming Holi celebrations.
In their eyes, success was narrowly defined by a percentile—

95% or above.
Anything less, and their carefully crafted dreams for their children would crumble like sandcastles swept away by a relentless tide. As I listened to both of them, I couldn’t help but wonder about the effects of focusing only on academic success ie grade/percentage.
In today’s education system, the emphasis on grades, prestigious institutions, and lucrative careers has become all-encompassing. Parents like the Srivastavas invest their hopes and aspirations in these benchmarks, believing them to be the ultimate indicators of success. But is life truly worth living only if it conforms to such rigid standards?

The story of the Srivastavas is but a microcosm of a broader societal phenomenon— a relentless pursuit of external validation and material success at the expense of holistic well-being and fulfilment. It prompts us to question whether there are alternative measures of achievement and happiness beyond academic accolades and financial prosperity.

Parents Pressure for Percentage 02

Indeed, life encompasses a myriad of objectives—personal growth, relationships, creativity, community service, and inner peace, to name a few. These intangible treasures often get overshadowed in the glare of academic transcripts and salary figures. Yet, they are the very essence of a life well-lived.
It’s high time we reevaluate our notions of success and redefine the parameters by which we measure it. True fulfilment lies not in the pursuit of perfection, but in embracing imperfection and finding beauty in the journey itself. Let us strive to cultivate a culture where individuals are encouraged to pursue their passions, nurture their talents, and forge meaningful connections with the world around them.
As I bid farewell to the Srivastavas, I couldn’t help but hope that they would come to realize that their sons’ worth transcended the confines of a report card. For in the end, it’s not the grades they achieve, but the values they embody and the lives they touch that truly define their success.
To all the precious parents, remember, your child’s grades in 10th or 12th grade exams don’t determine their entire future. Have faith in them, for their worth goes far beyond just numbers on a report card. Be their pillar of support, take the time to understand their perspective, and avoid placing unnecessary pressure on them.
This Holi, let’s celebrate with joy and love, prioritizing our children’s well-being above all else.
Wishing you all a happy Holi!

Jaivardhan E Book : जयवर्द्धन पत्रिका PDF में पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें


Manisha Lashkari Smart Study 1

Manisha Lashkari
Pragati Secondary School
Railmagra, Rajsamand