Eco Conscious
  • “Have you ever wondered why this summer feels warmer than the last?
  • Have you noticed how the sun’s intensity seems to be increasing each year?
  • What impact is this rising temperature having on our communities, wildlife, and daily lives?
  • Are you the one thinking to address it or just to increase a number AC at office & home?

In the midst of this sweltering season, let’s pause and reflect on the broader environmental implications and the role we play in protecting our planet.” In recent years, the escalating issue of increasing temperatures has become a cause for concern. I believe schools, as centers of learning and community engagement, has a pivotal role to play in shaping environmentally conscious citizens. By integrating environmental protection and climate action into their curricula and community initiatives, schools can actively contribute to bring a change to promote a sustainable future. Schools can shift from fancy to significant activities and incorporate environmental science, climate change, and sustainability topics into their curricula. This approach opens the opportunity that students understand the science behind global warming and the importance of responsible environmental practices.

Green School Initiatives

Schools can establish green teams or environmental clubs to promote sustain ability within the school community. These teams can oversee recycling programs, waste reduction initiatives, and the use of eco-friendly materials in school facilities.

Community Connection

Schools can collaborate with local communities to promote environmental awareness. Hosting workshops, seminars, and public events can educate and inspire community members to take action.

Energy Conservation Measures

Implementing energy-efficient practices such as using LED lighting, upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, and improving insulation can reduce the school’s carbon footprint.

Creating Green Spaces

Schools can create green spaces on their campus, including gardens, trees, and vegetation, to help absorb carbon dioxide and provide a cooling effect.

Partnerships with Environmental Organizations

Partnering with environmental NGOs can help schools implement broader environmental initiatives, such as tree planting campaigns and environmental awareness programs.

Action Plans

Schools can develop and implement climate action plans that outline specific goals, strategies, and timelines for reducing their carbon footprint. These plans can include energy audits, waste management and water conservation practices. By integrating practical initiatives, educational programs, and community outreach, schools can lead by example in promoting sustainable practices. Through collaborative efforts, schools can contribute to a healthier, cooler, sustainable future.
Let’s do it for a better tomorrow…..

Manisha Lashkari Smart Study 1

Manisha Lashkari
Pragati Secondary School
Railmagra, Rajsamand